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Flutter Analyze

This component runs the flutter analyze command in your Flutter project. Please note that it requires the Flutter SDK.


Prerequisite Workflow StepDescription
Git CloneThis step will clone your project through the connected Git provider and create the $AC_REPOSITORY_DIR variable.
Flutter InstallThis step will install the Flutter SDK release. If the version is not specified, it will install the latest stable version.

This step is particularly dependent on the Flutter Install step. If the Flutter SDK is not installed, the step will give an error that the required command was not found.

Input Variables

You can find all the parameters required for this step in the table below, with their descriptions in detail.

Variable NameDescriptionStatus
$AC_FLUTTER_PROJECT_DIRThis parameter is used as the repository path. This path is created immediately after the Git Clone step. If the Git Clone step is not used, this path cannot be found.Required
$AC_FLUTTER_ANALYZE_EXTRA_ARGSYou can use this parameter if you want to add an extra parameter to the build command line.Optional

To access the source code of this component, please use the following link:

Preview of GitHub - appcircleio/appcircle-flutter-analyze-component