Activity Log
You can view Publish module actions such as Publish Flow and Publish Step statutes, along with resign binary operations within the Organizations or Sub Organizations in the Activity Log section.

Here is the full list of actions that can be monitored:
- Profile Created
- Profile Deleted
- Publish Step Starting
- Publish Step Started
- Publish Step Success
- Publish Step Failed
- Publishing Failed
- Publishing Stopped
- Publishing Success
- Publishing Success Without Artifacts
- Publishing Restarted
- Publishing Restart Cancelled
- Metadata File Deleted
- Metadata Imported
- Metadata Updated
- Metadata Importing
- Publish Item Archived
- Publish Flow Updated
- Marked as Release Candidate
- Unmarked as Release Candidate
- App Version Uploaded
- App Version Created
- App Version Deleted
- Resign Success
- Resign Failed
- Resign Cancelled
- Release Notes Updated
- App Info Store Update Failed
- App Info Store Update Succeeded
- App Info Store Update Partially Failed
- App Version Rejected
- Review Submission Cancelled
Only Organization / Sub-Organization Owners and users with Organization Management Role will have access to this area.
Information about other Organizations and their Sub-Organizations will not be accessible without the required level of clearance.
Organization Owners can also observe the actions of their Sub-Organizations.
You can edit the required date range by clicking the time filter in the top right corner and selecting a time limit from various options. Alternatively, you can choose custom dates from the calendar.
Team activity logs also include filters to help users perform more precise searches. By clicking the 'All' option next to Organizations, you can select a specific organization or sub-organization from the list, provided you have access to monitor their signing identities activity.

Another method to search is by Actions. Simply click the Organization drop-down box, select Actions, and then choose a specific action to refine your search.