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Latest Release Notes

3.26.0 - 2025-02-13 OpenShift Support, Artifact Storage Limit Insights, Streamlined Workflows & Stability Improvements and more​

πŸ†• New Features​

  • We are thrilled to introduce our OpenShift installation guide and support for deploying a self-hosted Appcircle server on OpenShift. You can install Appcircle distributed architecture on Red Hat OpenShift application platform, which supports high availability, fault tolerance, and scalability, ensuring robust performance for production environments. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • Artifact storage limits can now be viewed on the billing page for your organization. Account & Organization Cloud
  • The onboarding screen will no longer be displayed to newly signed-up users with an Enterprise license. Account & Organization Cloud
  • Error and warning messages have been improved across various modules for cases of expired licenses and full usage limits. Account & Organization Cloud
  • When signing up to Appcircle via an organization invite, users will no longer generate a starter organization under their username. Account & Organization Cloud

🐞 Fixes​

  • An issue was fixed where email addresses in a specific format could not be removed from organizations. Account & Organization Cloud
  • An issue was fixed where users were unable to delete their starter-level organization despite being members of an enterprise-level organization. Account & Organization Cloud
  • An issue was fixed where the Publish History screen could not be scrolled down when containing more data than the user could view. Publish Cloud
  • The description of the β€˜Creating a Publish Profile’ step for Android profiles has been improved for better clarity. Publish Cloud
  • An issue was fixed where users were redirected to the Registered Devices tab of the Apple Devices section upon refreshing the page, despite having selected other tabs. Signing Identities Cloud
  • Development type has been added for registering a new provisioning profile within the Signing Identities module. Signing Identities Cloud
  • An issue was fixed where the highlighting blue background for newly manually uploaded provisioning profiles did not appear for fetched profiles from App Store Connect. Signing Identities Cloud
  • An issue was fixed where the preview screen in the Enterprise App Store customization section did not display the correct colors for the store title. Enterprise App Store Cloud
  • An issue was fixed where distributing a binary from Testing Distribution to the Enterprise App Store for duplicated app versions did not display an error message. Testing Distribution Cloud
  • An issue was fixed where some Publish, Testing Distribution, and Enterprise App Store profile icons were not displayed properly. Cloud
  • An issue was fixed where deleted configuration and workflow profiles saved in trigger settings were not being removed. Build Cloud
  • An issue was fixed where some test reports were not displayed properly within the Build module. Build Cloud
  • An issue was fixed where some build configuration profiles could not be downloaded as YAML files. Build Cloud
  • An issue was fixed where iOS workflow test report components caused a CORS error. Build Cloud

3.25.1 - 2025-01-24 App Version Filter for Enterprise App Store Reports, Bitbucket permission Enhancements, Improvements and more​

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • Various improvements have been made to the SSO login flow, including the addition of a cancel button for the account linking step and text corrections in other areas. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Federated Identity section has been removed from the Account page. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Improvements were made to the required default permissions for OAuth, self-hosted, and PAT Bitbucket repository connections. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The character limit has been increased for the Key ID configuration in the App Store API Key settings on the UI. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Enterprise App Store reports can now be sorted by app versions. Please note that due to changes in the filter structure of app versions, existing app versions added prior to this update will no longer be visible in Enterprise App Store reports. Reports Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Added custom api and auth endpoint options to Azure DevOps Testing Distribution Extension to allow usage with self-hosted Appcircle installations. API & CLI Self-Hosted
  • Removed .zip(.xcarchive) from allowed file types of Azure DevOps Testing Distribution Extension. API & CLI Self-Hosted
  • Added custom api and auth endpoint options to Azure DevOps Enterprise App Store Extension to allow usage with self-hosted Appcircle installations. API & CLI Self-Hosted
  • Android application bundle (.aab) files are now supported to publish at Enterprise App Store with Azure DevOps Enterprise App Store Extension. API & CLI Self-Hosted
  • Reserved environment variables can now be used in metadata within the Publish module, though not all reserved environment variables may be available. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted

🐞 Fixes​

  • An issue was fixed where newly added users to an organization were unable to view the Git connection created with a Personal Access Token (PAT) after it was added. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where sub-organizations received an error message if an existing SSO configuration was present for the root organization. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the β€˜Add for Review on App Store’ Publish Flow step failed due to the .IPA artifact name containing spaces, parentheses, or special characters. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where publish flows with long names blocked the process timer on the Publish Log screen. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where special characters in binary names affected file uploads and downloads across all modules. API & CLI Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where certain configuration profiles created through YAML uploads could not be cloned. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where uploaded iOS provisioning profiles were displayed as having no matching iOS certificate in build configurations. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A UI issue was fixed where saved environment variable names momentarily shrank after navigating to them from the dashboard. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where app versions on the Testing Portal were incorrectly sorted for specific version numbers. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Issues were fixed on the Testing Portal’s shared app list, where memory usage caused crashing problems. Additionally, incorrect icons and app version names were corrected for some profiles. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where deleting an existing SSO configuration for the Testing Distribution module in an organization led to authentication settings being reset with no method selected. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where saved testing groups were not displayed properly in the β€˜Share with Testers’ step when there were more than 10 testing groups. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The names of deleted apps can now be viewed in enterprise app store reports, as archived data previously displayed missing profile names. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where customized Enterprise App Store portal logos were not displayed on Safari browser tabs. Reports Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where some users were unable to download binaries on the Enterprise Portal after their license limits were renewed. Enterprise App Store Cloud
  • An issue was fixed where the Enterprise Portal’s store title color did not change after being customized within the Enterprise App Store module. Enterprise App Store Cloud
  • An issue was fixed where incorrect password entries did not display an error message during iOS certificate uploads within the Signing Identity module. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted

3.25.0 - 2024-12-19 Appcircle Deployment on Kubernetes, List View Type for Build and Testing Distribution, Improvements and more​

πŸ†• New Features​

  • We are thrilled to introduce our enhanced Helm documentation for deploying Appcircle server on Kubernetes. This new architecture supports high availability, fault tolerance, and scalability, ensuring robust performance for production environments. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted
  • Build and Testing Distribution profiles can now be viewed in both list and profile card formats, based on the selected view type. Build Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • App versions uploaded to the Testing Portal can now be filtered by their branch and binary list can be sorted by app version or the upload date. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Authentication settings can now be configured through the Fastlane Marketplace Testing Distribution plugin when creating new testing profiles. Best Practices Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Testing groups for the auto-send feature can now be configured through the Fastlane Marketplace Testing Distribution plugin when creating new testing profiles. Best Practices Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A new method has been added to sub-organization distributions through the Fastlane Marketplace Testing Distribution plugin. Versions can now be distributed using the Root Organization’s PAT and the sub-organization’s name when creating new testing profiles. Best Practices Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Appcircle Standard macOS Pool (arm64) has the latest (final) release of the Xcode 16.2 installed on runners. We strongly recommend extensive testing of your workflows to ensure compatibility and stability with this release. Build Infrastructure Cloud
  • AC_BUILD_BRANCH_ID reserved environment variable has been added to display a unique ID for each branch. Environment Variables Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Existing messages for testers can now be edited by users to be updated for each binary on the testing portal side. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • The billing page will now display a warning for licenses set to expire within a week and an error for licenses that have already expired. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Screenshot previews have been enhanced to allow zooming for a better view of the metadata in the Publish module. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Binary Details option within the Testing Distribution module has been improved to include build and extended provisioning profile and certificate information Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The build logs of a binary deployed to the Publish module can now be accessed from the Build History tab, even if the build artifact has been deleted in the Build module. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The usage of Testing Distribution for the license is now based on the application download count from the Testing Portal, rather than the number of emails shared via Testing Distribution. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The redirection of Testing Distribution email URLs was improved for use in external browsers. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • HTML codes can no longer be injected into tester messages when sending applications to the testing portal due to security concerns. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Apple Devices option has been made visible for Apple Profiles without registered devices, with a relevant warning displayed when the option is selected by users. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The application logo is now displayed when installing an application via the Enterprise Portal. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The manual upload endpoints of the Testing Distribution, Publish and Enterprise App Store modules have been enhanced to provide a better experience for large file uploads. Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Notification updates have been made for various modules across all channels have been made, resolving discrepancies between notifications for different channel types. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The dashboard page will now display a Publish Count card in place of the second Testing Distribution Count card. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Appcircle theme can now be easily changed from the bottom status bar’s right corner. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • My Details section has been removed from the Account page. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • App versions marked as live or beta-published now cannot be deleted by users without unpublishing them first. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Starter Edition license users can no longer access Captcha settings within the Enterprise App Store settings. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Enterprise App Store Reports will now list all binaries for the organization within the binary filter, regardless of the selected date filter. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Node.js 22 support has been added to the Appcircle CLI. API & CLI Cloud Self-Hosted

🐞 Fixes​

  • An issue was fixed where, in some cases, screenshots were being duplicated after using the Update Metadata workflow in the Publish module. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where some self-hosted users were unable to resign a binary within the Publish module. Publish Self-Hosted
  • An issue causing errors for self-hosted users when running β€œAdd for Review” on the App Store within their publish flow has been fixed. Publish Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed for self hosted users when retrieving and attempting to update incorrect App Store app information (previously, the already deployed app was retrieved). The correct app in the β€œReady for Submission” state is now retrieved and updated. Publish Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the iOS certificate and provisioning profile could not be uploaded directly through the build configuration. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where cache pull and cache push workflows did not function correctly for some self-hosted users. Build Integrations Self-Hosted
  • A new environment variable, ASPNETCORE_MAX_JAVA_MEMORY_SIZE, has been created to address the issue where 4000M of heap memory was required in Java for locating the APK logo. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the naming rules for build configurations were not consistent between manual creation and YAML upload. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the Azure DevOps pull request merge commit message was missing due to a webhook event parsing bug in Appcircle. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue preventing users from saving updated signing settings on certain build profiles has been fixed. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where deleted configuration and workflow profiles, which had already been saved in trigger settings, caused problems that were preventing the updating and deleting of existing triggers. Build Cloud
  • An issue was fixed where configurations, such as the Xcode version and project paths, were being reset for iOS Flutter and React Native build profiles. Build Cloud
  • An issue was fixed where long commit labels were causing problems with Bitbucket repositories. Build Cloud
  • An issue was fixed where iOS certificates in use within build profiles could not be forcefully deleted by users. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where, when a synced API key was deleted, devices not registered under another API key within the organization were incorrectly listed as unregistered devices. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue related to icon parsing for APK files has been fixed. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the β€œImport from LDAP” option was disabled for the first row entry of testing groups, despite having the relevant configuration in place. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where app versions shared via public links were not appearing at the top of the list in the Testing Portal. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A fix was applied for reverse proxy login form error occurring in certain self-hosted environments. Testing Distribution Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where some self-hosted users were unable to download iOS binaries from the Testing Portal after logging in with static authentication. Testing Distribution Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where data could not be retrieved when attempting to download reports through the API without specifying a date range. API & CLI Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the Enterprise App Store report filters did not display the required data correctly. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where .ipa binaries without icons could not be downloaded. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the binary list order on the Enterprise Portal was altered when specific binaries were selected. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where selecting certain filters removed app version graphs in the Enterprise App Store reports. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the Manage Access settings were accessible to Enterprise App Store profiles without an authentication method. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where certain types of characters in passwords were being rewritten, leading to unsuccessful login attempts on iOS devices for LDAP logins within the Enterprise Portal. Enterprise App Store Cloud
  • The incorrect user group retrieval strategy values causing LDAP user login issues have been updated. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where users were unable to disconnect their email settings from the notification settings. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the license terms on the dashboard displayed incorrect dates for the license status. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue where the sync interval for LDAP Mapping was not correctly displayed in the UI upon page load or reload has been fixed. Account & Organization Self-Hosted

3.24.0 - 2024-12-06 Publish Priority Configuration, Download Module Reports Through API, Bug Fixes and more​

πŸ†• New Features​

  • Monthly Publish usage can now be monitored separately through the Billing screen in the Organization module. It is no longer combined with monthly Build usage. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Apple Devices section under the Provision Profile Action now allows users to easily add device UDIDs to the corresponding provisioning profiles. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Publish priorities can now be configured as High, Medium, or Low to manage the start order of queued publish processes accordingly. Available for organizations with Enterprise License. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The module reports can now be exported through API calls. API & CLI Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Branch names that exceed the visible length in the branch list are now displayed in full via a tooltip pop-up. Build Cloud Self-Hosted

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • An update was applied to the build history reports, where some columns were removed or re-ordered, and typographical errors were corrected. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The cursor is now automatically focused on the first input field when navigating between modals in the Signing Identity module. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Search functionality for build profiles has been improved to deliver results from all profiles, even in organizations with a large number of build profiles. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Enhanced the Signing Identity Activity Log to ensure all signing identity actions are displayed accurately. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted

🐞 Fixes​

  • An issue was fixed where multiple LDAP group mappings for organizations were overriding each other instead of being merged during sync execution. Account & Organization Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where notifications configured for activities in the Signing Identities module were not functioning properly. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue where some publish flows were displayed as successful despite containing a failed step has been resolved. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the build profile configurations for React Native projects had missing settings after being cloned. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the InitiatedBy column displayed as N/A in build reports for automated or remote build triggers. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the β€œDisconnect from Remote Repository” button did not appear in the build profiles on the latest versions of the Safari browser. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where users were unable to download the YAML configuration file from a build profile when navigating to the Versioning tab of the build configuration. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where users were unable to log in to the testing portal via shared public links when using the static authentication method. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where iOS app icons did not display properly during installation on Apple devices after being downloaded from the Testing Portal. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue where registered testing groups were not visible in the auto-send settings after users logged into their organization or sub-organization has been resolved. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the UI failed to display an error message when a duplicate Apple certificate was uploaded in the Signing Identity module. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the icons of certain .APK binaries were not being displayed properly on the Enterprise Portal and the Testing Portal. Testing Distribution Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted

3.23.1 - 2024-11-13 Enable Captcha for Enterprise Portal, SSO Improvements, Bug Fixes and more​

πŸ†• New Features​

  • A captcha security method has been added for Enterprise Portal logins, which can be configured to appear after a set number of unsuccessful login attempts, eventually blocking further access. This feature is available to organizations with an enterprise license. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • TLS versions can now be configured by self-hosted Appcircle server users for security purposes. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • A logout URL option was added to SSO configuration settings, enabling users to choose between seamless SSO login/logout and fully ending the session, which requires re-authentication on the Identity Provider. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • SAML configurations can no longer be utilized in the β€œCreate From Existing” feature for creating new SSO configurations. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • "SAML Service Provider EntityID" can now be updated when creating or updating the SAML configuration. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The documentation URLs linked to the Help buttons have been updated to direct users to the appropriate documentation for SSO and LDAP configurations. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Configuration labels within the LDAP Connection settings have been updated for self-hosted users. Account & Organization Self-Hosted
  • The priority levels of running builds are now displayed on the Active Processes tab. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The build priority configuration setting is no longer restricted to organizations with an enterprise license. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The default cloud pool names have been updated as follows: The β€œDefault M1 Pool” is now labeled as β€œAppcircle Standard macOS Pool (arm64).” The β€œDefault Intel Pool” is now labeled as β€œAppcircle Linux Pool (x86_64).” Build Infrastructure Cloud
  • The build status information is now displayed in the Signing Reports section within the signing identity module. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An option was added to the SMTP server configuration in global.yaml to allow SSL validation to be disabled for non-production environments. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted

🐞 Fixes​

  • An issue was fixed where downloaded .yaml configuration files could not be uploaded to the same or other profiles of the same type, resulting in an error. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the emails and roles of sub-organization users were not displayed in the signing activity log. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Several security issues related to the admin module API were resolved. API & CLI Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the custom domain Enterprise Store URL was not displayed at times in the Safari browser for self-hosted users. Enterprise App Store Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the claim name for Enterprise Portal SSO configuration was not displayed at times in the Safari browser for self-hosted users. Account & Organization Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where some data loss occurred in the configurations during the update of SAML settings for SSO. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted

3.23.0 - 2024-11-04 SSO & LDAP Improvements, Build Priority Configuration, Bug Fixes and more​

πŸ†• New Features​

  • Existing SSO & LDAP settings can now be duplicated when creating a new SSO or LDAP configuration. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Build priorities can now be configured as High, Medium, or Low to manage the start order of queued builds accordingly. Available for organizations with Enterprise License. Build Cloud Self-Hosted

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • The Integrations section of the Organization module was divided into two separate sections: Security and Notifications. Related settings can now be accessed under these sections. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • SSO and LDAP configurations for Enterprise Portal and Testing Portal access have been separated and can now be found under Authentication Settings within the Security section of the Organization module. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The login and user management settings for SSO and LDAP have been separated into dedicated sections for authentication and authorization, offering improved clarity and control over the management of these configurations. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A version option has been added in the Tuist component to allow installation of a specific Tuist version. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Tuist Commands step has been added to the Appcircle iOS workflow to enable execution of specific Tuist commands. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • React Native UI Test and React Native Unit Test components have been added to Appcircle workflows to enable the execution of unit and UI tests for projects on the React Native platform. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Actions in the Signing Identity module can now be monitored within the Activity Log section. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Informative screens were added to provide users with guidance when switching authentication methods from Testing Distribution or Enterprise App Store settings. Enterprise App Store Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • ZIP upload support has been removed from the UI in the Testing Distribution module. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • App Store Header setting has been added to the Enterprise Portal Customization section. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted

🐞 Fixes​

  • A typo in the organization member invitation email titles has been corrected. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where access to SSO Group/Role Mapping data was falsely restricted for users with the Organization Management - Viewer role. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where errors were encountered when using PR triggers for GitHub repositories. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The app extractor command has been updated to support ZIP versions above 4.5 for APK and AAB files. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue with the date range filter in build reports has been fixed. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been resolved where the defined connections did not appear when attempting to reconnect after disconnection. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been fixed where an unclear error message was displayed on Appcircle when the user of the connected GitLab repository had been deleted. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been fixed where binaries marked as rejected within the publish module still had access to various binary actions. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been fixed where the client ID in Enterprise App Store reports was displayed in a complex format; it is now shown in a clearer format. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The user search filter will now be based on the selected filter items above, whereas it was previously independent. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been fixed where icons for certain Android binaries were not displayed in the Enterprise App Store module for self-hosted users. Enterprise App Store Self-Hosted

3.22.1 - 2024-10-18 Editing Environment Variables, Self Hosted Updates, Enterprise Portal Login Improvement, Bug Fixes and more​

πŸ†• New Features​

  • Unhidden text and file-formatted environment variables within the build and publish modules can now be edited by users after registration. Build Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Appcircle server version is now displayed in the blue bar at the bottom right corner of any page for self-hosted Appcircle server users. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted
  • Appcircle Standard macOS Pool (arm64) has Xcode 16.2 Beta 1 installed on runners. Since this is a beta release, workflows should be tested extensively. Build Infrastructure Cloud

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • A password hide/show toggle was added to the Enterprise Portal login page for both static and LDAP authentication methods. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The credentials for the Enterprise App Store static authentication channel will now be displayed accordingly if a password has been previously entered by the user. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted

🐞 Fixes​

  • An issue was fixed where publish environment variables did not function when created through a new variable group. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where using the " character in review notes or descriptions within metadata details caused errors when attempting to update the connected metadata details through the Publish module. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where multiline environment variables were causing errors during the β€œSend to TestFlight” publish step. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where empty metadata fields on Appcircle were being displayed as null on the App Store Connect side after updates. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where users with a β€˜+’ in their email addresses could not be invited, re-invited to or deleted from an organization. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where users were granted access to incorrect organizations when using SSO authentication for Appcircle login. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • API request checks for Enterprise and Testing Portal logins were improved to display more accurate responses for security reasons. API & CLI Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where branches deleted from Azure repositories were not being removed from the Appcircle build profile. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Security improvements have been made regarding cookies, including enhanced attributes, stronger encryption, and support for updated TLS versions. Build Infrastructure Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A bug that prevented configuring the Keycloak user decision strategy for self-hosted Appcircle server users has been fixed. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted
  • An issue with LDAP authentication in the testing portal, effecting some users, has been fixed. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted

3.22.0 - 2024-10-04 Apple Devices, Build Report Improvement, Auto Cancel Redundant Pipelines, Bug Fixes and more​

πŸ†• New Features​

  • Users will now be able to view Apple devices registered in various stores, enable or disable selected devices, and save device information through email invitations within the Apple Devices section of Signing Identity module. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Failed build steps are now visible within the build CSV reports, which can be downloaded from the Build History section. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The "Auto Cancel Redundant Pipelines" option has been added to Build configurations, allowing users to automatically cancel redundant pipelines which was started or queued by triggers. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Appcircle Standard macOS Pool (arm64) has Xcode 16.1 Beta 3 final release installed on runners. Since this is a beta release, workflows should be tested extensively. Build Infrastructure Cloud
  • Self-hosted Appcircle users utilizing the DMZ structure can now configure the auth subdomain used for internet requests with a custom domain. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • The LDAP role mapping configuration page now supports role search functionality. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A warning message display was added for Inherited Sub-organization users during Personal Access Token generation. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The SSO creation screen has been updated to ensure that the switch buttons reflect the actual backend status (on) after an SSO is created, preventing confusion for users. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Tolerant user lookup decision strategy has been added to the LDAP settings for self-hosted configurations. Account & Organization Self-Hosted
  • Store submit events were removed from the notification settings for Slack, MS Teams, and Email. Additionally, the module names within the configurations were updated. Integrations Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Build Profile Search feature has been enhanced through integration with our backend systems. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Builds that have completed with a successful output but contain a failed step will now be displayed with a warning status in the build lists and build profile cards. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The logout option has been removed from the Enterprise Portal for non-authentication type logins. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Enterprise Portal will no longer display empty channels as selectable tabs if they do not have any active app versions. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The self-hosted Appcircle server logs have been optimized. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted

🐞 Fixes​

  • An issue was fixed where, when pushing a tag for an old commit to GitLab, Appcircle incorrectly triggered a build for the latest/head commit on the same branch. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed in the Appcircle UI where users received two separate notifications for the same tag creation when a tag webhook was received from the Git provider. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where, if the AC_COMMIT_MESSAGE variable contained more than two lines, the commit message was not displaying to the components. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where workflow and configuration files could not be downloaded by users through the admin module. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the selected pool was not properly displayed in a cloned iOS build profile configuration. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the help links for build workflow steps were not directing users to the relevant documentation. Build Integrations Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the link for build logs received via notification email was changing to an incorrect format upon being used. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where platform names, such as Android or iOS, were being displayed in lowercase within the Publish Activity Log area. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the UI displayed a false error when users navigated to a sub-organization from a root organization with SSO configuration. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where the selected organization name was changing format when selected again within the SSO mapping configuration page. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The warning message for invalid Google API Key uploads has been improved. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been fixed where the add button remained active even without selecting any LDAP group within LDAP Mapping settings. Account & Organization Self-Hosted
  • The bug causing excessive CPU resource usage by the self-hosted Appcircle server after a deep health endpoint response has been resolved. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted
  • A bug in compose.yaml file causing an error due to localization and decimal separator has been fixed. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted
  • A bug that prevented labels from appearing in the self-hosted Appcircle server log monitoring UI has been fixed. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted
  • An issue preventing the auth module page from being displayed in Swagger UI for self-hosted installations using self-signed certificates has been fixed. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted

⚠️ Breaking Changes​

  • Certain role permissions from the Testing Distribution module related to the Apple Devices section have been migrated to the Signing Identities module. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Apple Devices section in the Testing Distribution module has been relocated to the Signing Identities module on the UI, along with its new capabilities. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted

3.21.0 - 2024-09-12 Publish Log Monitoring, SSO Mapping and Enterprise App Store Improvements, Xcode 16.0, Bug Fixes, and more​

πŸ†• New Features​

  • Detailed logs can now be accessed and monitored in real-time as tasks are being published within the Publish module. This enhancement allows for improved tracking of progress, quick identification of issues, and ensures that tasks are processed as expected. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A counter has been added to track the duration of each step when there is log activity in the Publish Details. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A "None" authentication type has been added to the Enterprise App Store settings for logging into the Enterprise Store. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Notify action has been removed from the Enterprise App Store module. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • .AAB files can now be uploaded to profiles in the Enterprise App Store. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The .zip file icon and description have been removed from the app version file type on the Testing Distribution page. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Appcircle Standard macOS Pool (arm64) has Xcode 16.0 final release installed on runners. We strongly recommend extensive testing of your workflows to ensure compatibility and stability with this release. Build Infrastructure Cloud

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • The Authentications section is now hidden for sub-organizations. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Deleted SSO mapping settings will no longer appear in new configurations, ensuring data integrity. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Order tab has been added to the LDAP creation settings. Account & Organization Self-Hosted
  • The Android Increment Build and Version Number workflow step is now compatible with Kotlin DSL projects, so that you can manage your app versioning within the Appcircle pipeline seamlessly. Build Integrations Cloud Self-Hosted

🐞 Fixes​

  • An issue was fixed where foreign characters in .IPA files were preventing user artifact downloads within the Build module. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was resolved that prevented users from navigating between build steps while logs were being processed. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed that could cause builds to be canceled due to a timeout on runners, particularly on self-hosted installations using a custom timezone in the runner. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was resolved where the custom domain toggle remained enabled in the UI after being disabled. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue with the search filter on Enterprise App Store reports has been fixed. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was resolved where the organization filter did not have a default value on Enterprise App Store reports section. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was resolved where users were able to upload Android keystores with the same name. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where new users could be invited despite the Single Sign-On (SSO) mapping feature being enabled. Account & Organization Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where owner users could be deleted while handling SSO mapping. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed where SSO mapping skipped users with the manager role, leaving their memberships and roles unchanged. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue was fixed that affected access to other sub-organizations when SSO mapping was enabled. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Resolved an issue where shared apps are now displayed at the top of the list with the Testing Portal. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted

3.20.5 - 2024-09-02 Android Publish Improvements, In-app Updates and more​

πŸ†• New Features​

  • In-app updates can now be checked and downloaded via a profile-specific In-App Update Secret using your store URL. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • In-App Update Secrets can now be created specifically for each Enterprise App Store profile within the profile settings. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Google Play Console App Information, such as primary language and contact info, can now be retrieved and updated for Android via Publish Module. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Google Play Console Metadata can now be managed and imported on AppCircle, including the editing of localizations and screenshots. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • Testing Distribution profiles with public access enabled are now accessible to all users with active authentication within the Testing Portal. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Testing Group members can now be imported through registered LDAP groups. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Help documentation and guides are now accessible based on the app and certificate type after downloading apps from the Testing Portal. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Android profile creation has been separated into two options: you can either create a profile manually by typing the package ID, or select it from the Google Play Console using API credentials. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted

🐞 Fixes​

  • A UI issue where one of the provisioning files on the build configuration list disappeared when adding a new one has been fixed. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The issue where the order of self-hosted runners changed after each refresh has been fixed. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted
  • The issue where the admin module's build details failed to display logs properly for resign activities within the publish module has been resolved. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted

3.20.4 - 2024-08-20 Role Management Updates, Testing Distribution & Enterprise App Store Improvements, Xcode 16.1 Beta 1, Bug Fixes, and more​

πŸ†• New Features​

  • Default roles are now shown when inviting users to an organization, both in the UI and through the CLI. This enhancement ensures clarity and ease of role assignment during the user invitation process. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The ability to assign multiple module roles to users has been introduced, allowing for greater flexibility and more refined role management within the system. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A new Membership column has been added, displaying values as Member or Inherit, and the Assigned label has been removed as it is no longer necessary. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A new sub-organization filter has been added to the user list, allowing for more precise filtering and user management within sub-organizations. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Support for downloading binary in the Testing Distribution module has been added. New or updated endpoints have been documented in Swagger, enabling easy integration and automation for customers. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A new feature has been added that allows profiles marked as Show on Top in the Enterprise App Store to have all their shared app versions appear at the top of the store. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The email provider used for email notifications can now be configured via global.yaml, which aids in troubleshooting some SMTP issues. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted
  • Xcode 16.1 Beta 1 has been installed on runners in the Appcircle Standard macOS Pool (arm64). Since this is a beta release, workflows should be tested extensively. Build Infrastructure Cloud

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • To prevent confusion during LDAP integration for Appcircle Login in Self-Hosted environments, the Username field and associated information text on the LDAP configuration page have been updated. Account & Organization Self-Hosted
  • The visibility of user roles has been updated to ensure that roles are viewable even when organization permissions are not granted. This change allows users to see their roles regardless of their organizational access levels. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Users with Login status will now appear at the top of the user list for easier identification. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The user list has been updated to sort users alphabetically in Team Management, following the order: Own, Pending, Accepted, and Members. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Password values in the UI for Testing Distribution Settings authentication are now hidden. This enhancement improves security by preventing sensitive information from being displayed, thereby protecting user credentials from unauthorized access. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The performance of the Testing Portal has been enhanced to achieve faster load times. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An additional rule has been implemented to prevent the deletion of deployed versions marked as Live or Beta in the Enterprise App Store. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An updated warning message will now be shown if the notify button is used without LDAP or SSO authentication. The message will also be tailored to cases where no emails are entered in the Manage Access settings, ensuring clearer notifications. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A new rule set has been implemented in the Enterprise App Store to prevent the deletion of versions marked as Live or Beta. RC-marked versions cannot be deleted, the delete buttons for Live and Beta versions have been disabled. To delete these versions, they must first be unpublished Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Build Module has been updated to enforce uniqueness for all workflow step names. This enhancement was implemented to prevent potential conflicts caused by duplicate names, thereby improving the clarity and reliability of build workflows. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The ability to cancel the publishing process, as well as triggered and tagged builds, has been introduced. Publish Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Store Submit display has been removed from the Self-Hosted dashboard. Self-Hosted

🐞 Fixes​

  • The issue where the Integration & Connection Viewer permission did not properly restrict access to connection-related actions has been fixed. Users with this permission can now view the Manage button but are correctly restricted from performing any connection actions, ensuring stricter control over connection management. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The issue where the SSO mapping enable/disable button was not working properly has been fixed. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The issue where users could not search with partial words in the email filter of the Team Activity Log has been fixed. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The issue where users could not reassign the owner role in some cases has been fixed. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The issue where the side window did not close properly after a Resign operation has been fixed. This update ensures that the side window now closes correctly, preventing any confusion about the successful completion of the operation. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The issue where the distribution date in the Testing Portal displayed the previous version's distribution date when a version was resent to a tester has been fixed. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The issue where metadata updates could not be made for app versions marked as Release Candidate (RC) has been fixed. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The issue where the system did not automatically select an active and suitable pool from the company's self-hosted options when no pool was selected during the publish process has been fixed. Build Publish Self-Hosted
  • The issue where the Redis connection was throwing a readonly error for replica write on self-hosted Appcircle servers has been fixed. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted
  • The issue with incorrect URLs in short links has been fixed, allowing seamless sharing of short URLs using the Copy Shortlink feature in the self-hosted server Monitoring UI. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted
  • The issue that caused runner IP addresses to appear as in the build logs and runner details on the self-hosted Appcircle server has been fixed. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted
  • The issue that created a broken system configuration file during the installation of the self-hosted Appcircle server using the Podman container engine has been fixed. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted

3.20.1 - 2024-08-05 - Role Management Updates, Enterprise App Store and Publish Improvements, Xcode 16.0 Beta 5, Bug Fixes and more​

πŸ†• New Features​

  • The Publish Environment Variables Module has been added within the role management with Manager and Viewer roles. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Integrations and Connection Management roles have been added within the role management with Manager and Viewer roles. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Viewer role has been added for Organization Management. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Hyperlink support has been added to the affected build profiles on the pop-up screen when a user attempts to delete a provisioning profile that is active in a build configuration. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The self-hosted Appcircle server script now includes a new command (init) that should be used after the export step once while installing the server, ensuring seamless vault initialization. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • The Credentials and Authentications sections have been separated within the Integrations area of the organization module. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The rule feature has been added to the cards in the Publish flow editor. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Multiple app version delete support has been added for Enterprise App Store and Publish modules. Publish Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • UI Improvements have been made for Enterprise App Store and Publish modules regarding overall texting and profile cards. Publish Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The profile IDs of Enterprise App Store and Testing Distribution profiles can now be copied from their settings section. Testing Distribution Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The notify button will no longer be disabled if the user has static authentication; instead, a warning message will be shown. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The self-hosted Appcircle server configuration file validator now checks the integrity of Enterprise App Store and Testing Distribution ports defined in global.yaml. Build Infrastructure Self-Hosted
  • The Appcircle Standard macOS Pool (arm64) has Xcode 16.0 Beta 5 installed on runners. Since this is a beta release, please test your workflows extensively. Build Infrastructure Cloud

🐞 Fixes​

  • The issue where the Runner Access Token did not display the warning text properly after generation has been fixed. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue where SSO login redirect flows were causing access denied errors has been fixed. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue where the metadata localization list was not alphabetical has been fixed. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue where metadata screenshots were displayed in the wrong order on some occasions has been fixed. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An overall improvement has been made to the request states of the UI, resolving issues such as un-centered status texts. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue where removing a localization setting affected uploads on metadata within the publish module has been fixed. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue where archived logs were not being shown in the Publish History has been fixed. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue where the UI was not displaying an error message when the user uploaded a certificate that already existed or entered the wrong password has been fixed. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A texting issue on the UI that occurred while manually uploading app versions within the Testing Distribution Profile has been fixed. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A problem with routing when users do not have distribution settings in the configuration has been fixed. Build Cloud Self-Hosted

3.20.0 - 2024-07-29 - Role Management Updates, Testing Distribution and Publish Improvements, Xcode 16.0 Beta 4, Bug Fixes and more​

πŸ†• New Features​

  • Publisher and contact information, along with Privacy Policy and Terms of Service URLs, can now be viewed and updated under the Info tab within the Testing Distribution profile settings. This information will be displayed on the Testing Portal. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Shared App Profiles will now be displayed within the Testing Portal. This will allow the users to view and navigate between different Testing Distribution Profiles that have shared app versions for the same user. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • For each app version, the file size and certificate version will now be shown within the Testing Portal. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A new user menu has been added to the Testing Portal, where the testing distribution profile's publisher information, login method, and a logout button are displayed. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • When downloading app versions with an enterprise-type certificate within the Testing Portal, a guidance message will now be displayed. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Submissions with "Waiting for Review" or "In Review" status can now be cancelled on App Store Connect. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • App versions can now be rejected by users with Manager and Operator roles. Rejected app versions cannot be marked as RC (Release Candidate); they can only be deleted or viewed. The same version can also be re-uploaded for rejected items. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • App Center Migration Tool, can now be used to assist organizations and individuals in migrating their Visual Studio App Center projects, including organizations, collaborators, app profiles, and test groups, to Appcircle effortlessly. API & CLI Cloud Self-Hosted

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • The role structure has been expanded, with new roles added and existing roles updated. For more details, please visit the Role Management page. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • French language support has now been added to The Testing Portal. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Default environment variable names have been updated. The old naming convention should no longer be used, as all Appcircle-provided default values now starts with AC_. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Environment variables can now be used in metadata, app info, and Intune metadata forms within the Publish Module. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • App versions that are published to the Beta and Live channels will now be displayed on Enterprise App Store profile headers with related tags, both within the profile and the Enterprise App Store profile list, for easier visibility. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • UI improvements have been made to the actions menu of Enterprise App Store profiles. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Appcircle Standard macOS Pool (arm64) has Xcode 16.0 Beta 4 installed on runners. Since this is a beta release, please test your workflows extensively. Build Infrastructure Cloud

🐞 Fixes​

  • A UI issue has been fixed related to SSO Mapping toggle. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue with the search by action filter in the Team Activity Log has been fixed, where the first available option was not displaying any results. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A related message will now be received upon saving if deprecated components are present in the Publish Flow. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been fixed regarding the what's the new component of metadata details within the Publish module. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been fixed regarding renewing provisioning profile by adding hour and minute to the naming convention for Renewed Provisioning Profiles, allowing renewals on the same day. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A UI problem affecting Safari browsers has been fixed for the App Detail preview screen in the Enterprise App Store customization section. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been fixed where user color selections were not immediately displaying on the preview screen within the Enterprise App Store customization section. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been fixed where colors could not be updated without also updating the store title within the Enterprise App Store customization section. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue related to long texts affecting the Enterprise App Store display has been fixed by applying a character limit to the Summary and Release Notes sections of the Publish to Store feature within the Enterprise App Store module. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A UI problem has been fixed where the save button for the static login configuration of the Enterprise App Store module remained enabled even without any changes. Enterprise App Store Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been fixed regarding binary upload process by adding status checks and failing the task if the binary could not be processed. Cloud Self-Hosted

⚠️ Breaking Changes​

  • New Ext. Operator Role has been added to Enterprise App Store, Testing Distribution and Publish modules. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Uploader role has been removed from the Enterprise App Store module and migrated to the Operator role. Additionally, the previous Operator role has been migrated to the Ext. Operator role. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted

3.19.1 - 2024-07-04 - Publish and Signing Identity Module Improvements, Xcode 16.0 Beta 3, Bug Fixes and more​

πŸ†• New Features​

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • The Appcircle Standard macOS Pool (arm64) has Xcode 16.0 Beta 3 installed on runners. Since this is a beta release, please test your workflows extensively. Build Infrastructure Cloud
  • To ensure the validity of the Microsoft Intune remote app connection, the binary will be unmarked as a Release Candidate after switching from other credentials to Microsoft Intune. Additionally, .aab format binaries will display a warning message when using Microsoft Intune credentials, as they are not supported. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Help documentation for Update Metadata on Microsoft Intune feature has been updated. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Microsoft Intune metadata and App Info updates are now included in the Activity Report. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • App Store Connect App Info & Metadata and Microsoft Intune Metadata are now available through Open API. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Multiple Bundle IDs can now be selected when importing from App Store Connect. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • All Publish artifacts including the binary, metadata details, screenshots, App Store Connect information, and more can now be downloaded a zip file. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • When inviting a new user to an organization, a warning message will now be displayed if an invalid or already in-use email address is entered. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Existing and newly invited organization members can now be searched by e-mail filter within the Team Management area. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • When attempting to delete a provisioning profile that is already in use for a build profile, a warning message will now display. This allows you to see the affected profiles and navigate directly to their configuration. Alternatively, you can force delete the provisioning profile. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • When a Provisioning Profile within the Apple Profiles section has a mismatched Apple Certificate, a tool tip warning message will display. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Upload multiple files at once with the new Apple Provisioning Profile file upload improvement. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Multiple Provisioning Profiles can now be force deleted by the users. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted

🐞 Fixes​

  • A behaviour difference between Appcircle UI and App Store Connect while registering Bundle IDs has been fixed. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue causing indicator truncation while retrieving provisioning profiles in the Publish Module has been fixed. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been fixed where, if no images are present in the metadata screenshot section for different localization settings, images from the primary language were not being displayed for guidance and explanatory purposes. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Publish profile header will no longer display the latest store status if the binary is unmarked as a release candidate. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The errors that occurred on some types of projects during Android versioning were fixed, and several improvements were made to check for invalid versioning. Versioning Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been resolved where the Increment Version and Build Number for Android step caused formatting errors in Gradle files that use dynamic logic for versioning. Versioning Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been fixed where build profile cards displayed some build results as text instead of an icon. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been fixed where users with specific profiles encountered access problems when navigating between organizations. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Improved and fixed help documentation links within the Signing Identities module for Apple Profiles, Apple Certificates and Apple Identifiers. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted

3.19.0 - 2024-06-27 - Publish Apps to Microsoft Intune, App Store Connect Integration, Publish and Signing Identity Enhancements, Xcode 16.0 Beta 2, Bug Fixes and more​

πŸ†• New Features​

  • Apps can now be sent to Microsoft Intune and their metadata can be updated within the Publish module. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Saved Microsoft Intune credentials can now be used with the Publish Profiles by integration. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Profiles can now be directly listed and imported from App Store Connect within the Publish module. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Bundle Identifiers in Apple Appstore can now be directly managed through the Appcircle interface. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A Publish Profile can now be created for existing apps from App Store Connect integration. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • App Store Connect Information has been added within the Publish module where users can update the required information for binary submission. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A new Provisioning Profile can now be created by selecting Apple Profiles (Formerly known as Provisioning Profiles) within the Signing Identities module. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Provisioning Profiles can now be renewed within the Signing Identities module. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An Apple Identifiers section has been added within the Signing Identities module. Signing Identities Cloud Self-Hosted
  • A new value display and filter have been added to the LDAP Mapping table. Integrations Self-Hosted
  • Group and role management can now be automated with SSO for Appcircle Login. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Efficiently distribute your apps using Appcircle’s Testing Distribution and Enterprise Store plugins, available on GitHub, Fastlane, and the Visual Studio Marketplace. Cloud Self-Hosted

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • Xcode 16.0 Beta 2 has been installed on the Appcircle Standard macOS Pool (arm64) runners. As this is a beta release, workflows should be tested extensively. Build Infrastructure Cloud
  • iOS binaries can now be resigned via the UI by directly providing the entitlements, without needing to upload an XML file. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Any Bundle ID can now be uploaded inside a publish profile for resign purposes. However, marking it as RC (Release Candidate) will not be possible if the app version's Bundle ID does not match the profile's main Bundle ID. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Store connections will be displayed on the Publish profile cards to indicate if the profile is connected to a store such as Microsoft Intune or App Store Connect. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Latest Metadata will now be cloned to newly uploaded app versions by default. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The "Add for Review" step has been added to the Appstore Publish Flow within the Publish module. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The "Send to Enterprise App Store" step has been added to the Appstore Publish Flow within the Publish module. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Publish profile updates can now be viewed on the main dashboard. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted

🐞 Fixes​

  • An issue where users were unable to save the Xcode version on React Native build profiles without providing the optional Node.js version has been fixed. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been fixed where a remotely triggered build via GitLab connection showed an incorrect branch name in the Appcircle UI during the build process. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue has been fixed where multiple remotely triggered builds via GitLab, affecting a single pipeline, was showing incorrect build status in the Appcircle UI. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • An issue where localization settings caused duplicated screenshots in the Metadata Information section has been fixed. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted

3.18.0 - 2024-05-31 - Build Enhancements, Appcircle CLI v2.2.0, Publish Improvements and more​

πŸ†• New Features​

  • We have significantly enhanced the performance of the build log stream feature, ensuring faster and more efficient logging processes. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • We are releasing Appcircle CLI v2.2.0. API & CLI Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Users can now change the order of screenshots and previews by drag and drop in Metadata Information within the Publish Module. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The Testing Distribution profiles now include the signed or unsigned status information for app versions. Testing Distribution Cloud Self-Hosted
πŸ†• Redis Subdomain​

Upgrading from older versions to 3.18.0 or later requires redis subdomain that should be registered before upgrading. For more details, you can checkout the DNS Configuration document section.

If you are not using the Appcircle server with HTTPS, you must also allow the Appcircle runners to connect to the Appcircle server with the TCP 6379 port. For more details, you can checkout the Network Access requirements between the Appcircle runners and the Appcircle server.

Also, you may consider updating the SSL certificate of the Appcircle server if it doesn't cover the redis subdomain.

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • Resign History and Publish History components have been unified under a new History component within the Publish module. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Users will now be able to see which version was used to resign the app after resigning an app version within the Publish module. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The default build workflows have been updated to enhance functionality and improve the user experience. Therefore, it can be assured that the steps in the default workflows are also up-to-date. Build Cloud Self-Hosted

🐞 Fixes​

  • We have resolved issues that could cause crashes when running multiple builds simultaneously, enhancing the overall stability and reliability of the build process. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • We have enhanced security for remote repository connections in the Build module. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Fixed an issue where build logs were being saved prematurely due to a time synchronization problem, causing logs to be saved before the end of the process. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Fixed an issue where API returned incorrect response code for requests with invalid commitId or buildId. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Fixed an issue where the Admin Build Details section showed incorrect build status for cancelled builds. Build Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Fixed an issue in Jira comments where new lines were not rendered when using Jira REST API v2, as the payload was previously received as plain text. Build Integrations Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Fixed an issue where users couldn't send release notes for binaries via 'Send to Google Play'. Publish Integrations Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Fixed an issue where the Publish Flow did not display the final step after successfully completing the process. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted

3.17.1 - 2024-05-23 - Publish Activity Log Enhancement, Send to Microsoft Intune, Publish Module Bug Fixes​

πŸ†• New Features​

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • You can now monitor Resign Binary activities in Publish Activity Logs. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • We have added minimum and maximum e-mail format validations for the Get Approval via E-mail Publish Flow step. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The auto-update helper tool has been improved to detect the upgrade in a more efficient way, which reduces the network payload and speeds up the process. Self-Hosted

🐞 Fixes​

  • Fixed an issue where the restart flow rule failed in certain cases, causing invalid flow validations within the Publish Module. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Fixed issues where the API allowed requests with duplicate and blank Publish variable and group names. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Fixed an issue where Store Status received from the Get Approval from Test Flight or Get Approval from App Store steps was not being displayed on the AppVersion's and Profile's Store Status. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Fixed a bug at the Jira Comment step that was throwing an unexpected JSON parse error when using Jira REST API v3 and ensured the integrity of the payload for commit messages containing line breaks. Build Integrations Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Fixed a bug that was affecting Appcircle UI notifications such as build success, failure, etc. Self-Hosted
  • Fixed a problem that caused the self-hosted Appcircle server logging service to not start and work correctly when using the root user. Self-Hosted

3.17.0 - 2024-05-17 - LDAP Mapping Improvements, Publish Module Bug Fixes, and more​

πŸ†• New Features​

  • Users can now automate Group and Role Management using LDAP Authentication for Appcircle Login in Self-Hosted environments. Self-Hosted
  • We have introduced the Team Activity Log feature within the Organization settings. This feature enables users to monitor team management actions within their organization if they are the organization owner or have the Organization Management role. Account & Organization Cloud Self-Hosted
  • The self-hosted Appcircle server now has a new configuration at global.yaml that helps you enable or disable the log monitoring feature on demand. Self-Hosted

πŸ’ͺ Improvements​

  • The "Get Approval via Email" component now allows you to view the statuses of all users in its logs. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • We have added an activity log for updates to Release Notes on the Metadata Information page within the Publish Module. Publish Cloud Self-Hosted
  • Self-hosted users can now choose to hide the Change Password option in the account settings page by disabling the Forgot Password option in Self-Hosted Settings. Account & Organization Self-Hosted
  • We have added the ability for Jira Enterprise users to choose the API version.The Jira Comment workflow step now supports both Jira Cloud and On-Prem use cases for both Jira API v2 and v3, which makes the integration more flexible. Build Integrations Cloud Self-Hosted
  • We have updated the documentation links on the workflow steps to enable users to access the most current and detailed documents for integration purposes. Build Integrations Cloud Self-Hosted

🐞 Fixes​