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My Account / My Organization

My Account

Manage personal settings and access control for your Appcircle account.

Sign Up / Login

Begin by signing up for a new account or logging into your existing account.

Account Management

Update your personal details, change your password, and manage your account settings.

My Organization

Configure and manage organization-level settings and integrations in Appcircle.

API Integration

Connect and manage API integrations for seamless automation and extended functionality.

Notification Integration

Set up notifications to keep your team updated on the build and release processes.

SSO Providers Configuration

Configure Single Sign-On (SSO) providers to enable easy and secure access for your team.


Manage the artifacts generated from your build processes.

Webhooks Configuration

Set up webhooks to notify external systems about events in Appcircle.

Distribution LDAP Login

Integrate LDAP for authentication, providing a streamlined login process for distributed applications.

These sections are essential for customizing your Appcircle experience, ensuring that both your personal and organizational workflows are optimized.

Team Activity Log

Organization owners and users with the Organization Management role can view team management actions, such as creating a new organization or assigning a new role to a member.