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License Configuration


Appcircle server comes with a default license to let you explore the Appcircle if you have installed it with Helm to a Kubernetes cluster.

If you have purchased a license from the Appcircle, you can follow this documentation to apply your license.

Creating a Secret for License Authentication

Create a secret that contains the cred.json file you received from Appcircle to authenticate the Appcircle license.

  1. Save the cred.json file.

  2. Create/update the secret named ${releaseName}-auth-license with the credentialJson key:

kubectl create secret generic appcircle-server-auth-license \
-n appcircle \
--from-literal=credentialJson=$(cat cred.json | base64) \
--save-config --dry-run=client -o yaml | kubectl apply -f -

Updating the License

If your organization’s Appcircle server license has been updated and you need to apply the new license, you can upgrade the Appcircle server deployment using Helm:

helm upgrade appcircle-server appcircle/appcircle \
-n appcircle \
-f values.yaml

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