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Flutter Install

This workflow step installs the specified Flutter SDK to run the Flutter CLI for subsequent analysis, build, and test operations. The Flutter version can be specified in Configuration


All Flutter versions and detailed information can be found in the Flutter repository.


There are no prerequisites required before using the Flutter Install step.


These steps depend on Flutter installation and can only be used after the Flutter Install step:


The steps specified in the table are steps dependent on the Flutter Install step. If Flutter Install is not used before these steps, these steps will give a Flutter SDK not found error.

Input Variables

This step contains some input variable(s). It needs these variable(s) to work. The table below gives explanation for this variable(s).

Variable NameDescriptionStatus
$AC_SELECTED_FLUTTER_VERSIONSpecifies the Flutter version to install. Defaults to: stable. The version you set in the Configuration section will override this setting.Optional

If no specific version is specified, this step will automatically install the latest stable version released by Flutter.

Output Variables

The output(s) resulting from the operation of this component are as follows:

Variable NameDescription
PATHPATH variable that adds the Flutter tool to your workflow.

To access the source code of this component, please use the following link:

Preview of GitHub - appcircleio/appcircle-flutter-install-component: Appcircle Flutter Install