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Common Integrations Overview

Appcircle's Common Integrations facilitate the distribution of your iOS and Android applications to major app stores with minimal effort.

Custom Script

  • Allows you to tailor the publish process to address your specific needs by executing custom commands.
  • Automates repetitive tasks, reducing the amount of manual work required.
  • Enables the creation of custom Publish flows and actions not available in the default steps.
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Read more about Custom Script

Get Approval via Email

  • Request and track approvals easily via email.
  • Customize approval Publish flows with minimum counts and optional/required approvers.
  • Monitor approval status in real-time.
  • Maintain a clear record of approval actions.
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Read more about Get Approval via Email

Publish to Microsoft Intune

Everything you need to know about submitting your app to the Microsoft Intune can be found here. We cover the necessary preparations, API key configuration, and submission details.

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Learn how to Publish to Microsoft Intune

Update Metadata on Microsoft Intune

Learn how to update your app's metadata on Microsoft Intune to improve visibility.

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Understand how to update metadata on Microsoft Intune

Send to Enterprise App Store

Everything you need to know about sending your app to the Appcircle's Enterprise App Store can be found here. We cover the necessary preparations, and submission details.

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Learn how to Send Enterprise App Store

Appcircle's integration tools are designed to simplify and automate the publishing process, allowing you to focus on developing great apps while we handle the distribution.