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Send to App Store

This step enables you to submit your application to the App Store.


Ensure the App Store Connect API Key is configured in Appcircle and chosen under Publish Settings.


Below are the prerequisite steps necessary for this operation, accompanied by their descriptions.


Note: This is a standalone step. The steps listed below should precede this step if they are part of your Publish Flow.

Prerequisite Workflow StepDescription
App Information from App StoreThis step compares the Release Candidate version with the TestFlight and the App Store versions.
Sent to TestflightThis step allows you to submit your application to TestFlight.
Get Approval from TestFlightThis step checks the TestFlight status of your application and advances the Publish Flow according to the specified acceptance condition.

Input Variables

Below are the parameters necessary for this step's operation, along with their descriptions.

Variable NameDescriptionStatus
$AC_XCODE_LIST_DIRSpecifies the Xcode folder list directory. Current Xcode folder structure examples: /Applications/Xcode/14.3/Xcode or /Applications/Xcode/15.0/Xcode.Optional
$AC_XCODE_VERSIONSpecifies the Xcode version.Required
$AC_STACK_TYPEApp Store or TestFlight stages. The default value is TestFlight.Optional
$AC_RELEASE_NOTESIt is the parameter used to send a release note with the selected version. You can find detailed information about Release Notes here.Optional

This step may also target TestFlight exclusively, depending on the chosen Stack Type. If your Publish Flow includes the Send to TestFlight step, ensure the Stack Type is set to Release.

To access the source code of this component, please use the following link:

Preview of GitHub - appcircleio/appcircle-publish-send-to-appstore