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Saucectl Run

The saucectl command line interface orchestrates the relationship between your tests in your framework, and the rich parallelization, test history filtering, and analytics of Sauce Labs. saucectl performs the underlying business logic to access the tests in your existing framework, runs them in the Sauce Labs Cloud, then securely transmits the test assets to the Sauce Labs platform, where you can review, share, and evaluate your test outcomes at scale.

For more information, please visit the Saucectl documentation. This document will guide you on how to use the saucectl command and Sauce Labs through Appcircle.


Below are the workflow steps required before running the Saucectl step, listed with their reasons. Prerequisites vary by platform:

For Android

Prerequisite Workflow StepDescription
Android Build for UI TestingThis step generates the required Android test application outputs needed for testing on Sauce Labs.

For iOS

Prerequisite Workflow StepDescription
Xcodebuild for TestingAfter the Xcodebuild for Testing step runs, the test IPA and APP paths ($AC_TEST_IPA_PATH and $AC_TEST_APP_PATH) will be created automatically. So that the Saucectl Run component depends on these paths.

For this step to work, ensure that a config.yml file is available. You can set this file as an environment variable in Appcircle or include it directly in your repository.

Here’s a sample config.yml file for Espresso:

apiVersion: v1alpha
kind: espresso
defaults: {}
showConsoleLog: false
region: eu-central-1
concurrency: 2
- name: espresso - Google Pixel .* - Android GoogleAPI Emulator
- name: Google Pixel .*
- name: Android GoogleAPI Emulator
- "12.0"
- '*'
when: always
directory: artifacts

And sample config.yml file for Xcuitest:

apiVersion: v1alpha
kind: xcuitest
region: us-west-1
concurrency: 3
- e2e
- release team
- other tag
build: Release $CI_COMMIT_SHORT_SHA

app: $APP
testApp: $TEST_APP

- name: "saucy xcuitest"
- name: "iPhone.*"
carrierConnectivity: false
deviceType: ANY
private: false
when: always
- "junit.xml"
directory: ./artifacts/

enabled: true

Input Variables

For each component, specific input variables are required for its operation on your system. The input variables necessary for the Saucectl Run for Android are as follows:

Variable NameDescriptionStatus
AC_SL_CONFIG_PATHPath to the Sauce Labs configuration file. Check saucectl documentation for the option details. Default value is .sauce/config.yml.Required
AC_SL_USERNAMESauce Labs username. It must be set as a secret environment variable.Required
AC_SL_ACCESS_KEYSauce Labs access key. It must be set as a secret environment variable.Required
AC_RUN_ONLY_VIA_CONFIGWhether to run only using the configuration file. If set to true, no need to fill in the other options. Default is false. Options: true, false.Required
AC_SL_SELECT_SUITESpecifies a test suite to execute by name rather than all suites defined in the config file. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default value is $AC_SL_SELECT_SUITE.Optional
AC_SL_APP_PATHPath to the main application file that will be tested. This should be the location of the app (APK for Android or IPA for iOS) within the Sauce Labs environment or your build process. If not provided, app will be used as default in config.yml. If set to AC_APK_PATH, Android Build for UI Testing step output will be loaded automatically. Or if set to AC_TEST_APP_PATH for iOS, Xcodebuild for Testing step output will be loaded automatically.Optional
AC_SL_TEST_APP_PATHPath to the test application file, which contains the test code to be run against the main app. This is usually a separate test APK for Android or an additional test bundle for iOS. If not provided, app will be used as default in config.yml. If set to AC_TEST_APK_PATH, Android Build for UI Testing step output will be loaded automatically. Or if set to AC_TEST_IPA_PATH for iOS, Xcodebuild for Testing step output will be loaded automatically.Optional
AC_SL_ARTIFACT_CLEANUPClear the artifacts directory before downloading new test data. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default is false. Options: true, false.Optional
AC_SL_DOWNLOAD_DIRSpecifies the path to the folder location in which to download artifacts. A separate subdirectory is generated in this location for each suite for which artifacts are downloaded. Must be set in conjunction with Sauce Labs Download Match and Sauce Labs When to Download Artifacts. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default value is $AC_SL_DOWNLOAD_DIR.Optional
AC_SL_DOWNLOAD_MATCHSpecifies which artifacts to download based on whether they match the name or file type pattern provided. Supports the wildcard character *. Must be set in conjunction with Sauce Labs Download Directory and Sauce Labs When to Download Artifacts. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default value is $AC_SL_DOWNLOAD_MATCH.Optional
AC_SL_WHEN_ARTIFACT_DOWNLOADCriteria for downloading assets. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default is never. Options: always, never, pass, fail.Optional
AC_SL_ASYNCLaunch tests without waiting for preceding test results. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default is false. Options: true, false.Optional
AC_SL_BUILDAssociates the tests with a build to support easy filtering of related test results in the Sauce Labs UI. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default value is $AC_SL_BUILD.Optional
AC_SL_CCYMaximum tests to run concurrently. If the config defines more suites than the max, excess suites are queued and run in order as each suite completes. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default value is $AC_SL_CCY.Optional
AC_SL_ENVAn environment variable key value pair that may be referenced in the tests executed by this command. Expanded environment variables are supported. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default value is $AC_SL_ENV.Optional
AC_SL_FAIL_FASTStop suite execution after the first failure. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default is false. Options: true, false.Optional
AC_SL_REGIONSpecifies the Sauce Labs data center through which tests will run. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default is eu-central-1. Options: us-west-1, us-east-4, eu-central-1.Required
AC_SL_RETRIESNumber of times to rerun a failed test suite. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default value is 1.Optional
AC_SL_ROOT_DIRSpecifies the project directory. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default value is $AC_REPOSITORY_DIR.Optional
AC_SL_SAUCEIGNORESpecifies the path to the .sauceignore file. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default value is $AC_SL_SAUCEIGNORE.Optional
AC_SL_SHOW_CONSOLE_LOGInclude the console.log contents in the output for all tests. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default is true. Options: true, false.Optional
AC_SL_TAGSKeywords that may help you distinguish the test in Sauce Labs, and also help you apply filters to easily isolate tests based on metrics that are meaningful to you. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default value is $AC_SL_TAGS.Optional
AC_SL_TIMEOUTGlobal timeout that limits how long saucectl can run in total. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default is 10m.Optional
AC_SL_TUNNEL_NAMEUse a running Sauce Connect tunnel to test. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default value is $AC_SL_TUNNEL_NAME.Optional
AC_SL_TUNNEL_OWNERThe tunnel owner, if it is not the testing account. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default value is $AC_SL_TUNNEL_OWNER.Optional
AC_SL_TUNNEL_TIMEOUTHow long to wait for the specified tunnel to be ready. Check saucectl documentation for details. Default value is $AC_SL_TUNNEL_TIMEOUT.Optional

Output Variables

The artifacts generated from the Saucectl Run step are saved in the directory specified by Sauce Labs Download Directory (AC_SL_DOWNLOAD_DIR). You can control the format of these outputs using the Sauce Labs Download Match (AC_SL_DOWNLOAD_MATCH) parameter and determine when they are downloaded using the Sauce Labs When to Download Artifacts (AC_SL_WHEN_ARTIFACT_DOWNLOAD) parameter.

To access all saved artifacts, go to the Download Artifacts section in Appcircle at the end of the build log.