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Custom Script

You can use Custom Script steps for additional functionalities in your builds. Appcircle will run the commands in your custom scripts and perform the specified actions. These scripts will be run on the runner and you can use any functionality of the build environment as you need.


Note that you can put the Custom Script component anywhere you want in the workflow. This step is used to add different capabilities to the existing workflow.


Input Variables

You can find all the parameters required for this step in the table below, with their descriptions in detail.

Variable NameDescriptionStatus
ExecuteYou can run your script as Bash or Ruby with two different language environments in the Execute With input value.Required
ScriptWith the Script input variable, you can add the script you want to run and run it directly in the selected language. If you leave this input blank, it will proceed to the next step without taking any action.Optional

Note that the Script area works according to the selected language variable. If you want to run a script in any language, make sure that you select the language correctly.

Custom Script FAQ

How to change JAVA version

If you want to change the JAVA version for your Android project, you can achieve this by changing the JAVA_HOME environment variable.

Appcircle currently has OpenJDK 11 (default), OpenJDK 8, OpenJDK 17 and OpenJDK 21.

Android Build step uses OpenJDK 11 as default JDK version.

You can use the below custom script before your build step to change your JAVA_HOME environment variable.

echo "Default JAVA" $JAVA_HOME

echo "OpenJDK 8" $JAVA_HOME_8_X64
echo "OpenJDK 11" $JAVA_HOME_11_X64
echo "OpenJDK 17" $JAVA_HOME_17_X64
echo "OpenJDK 21" $JAVA_HOME_21_X64

# Change JAVA_HOME to OPENJDK 17

Create a custom script like above and put it above your Android Build step.

Screenshot Screenshot

Please be aware that this custom script affects any step that comes after.

Therefore, you should use this step as a standalone step instead of as part of any custom script.


You can find more details about the included Java versions on the Android Build Infrastructure page.


Changing System Java Version

Changing the JAVA_HOME environment variable will be enough for your Android builds, but it won't change the java version in the system.

If you're using a tool in the build pipeline that requires another Java version than the default OpenJDK 11, you should also change the system's default Java version using the below commands in the custom script.

source "$SDKMAN_DIR/bin/"
sdk default java $(basename $JAVA_HOME_17_X64)

After that, you will see the output of java -version as below in the build logs.

openjdk version "17.0.7" 2023-04-18 LTS
OpenJDK Runtime Environment Zulu17.42+19-CA (build 17.0.7+7-LTS)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM Zulu17.42+19-CA (build 17.0.7+7-LTS, mixed mode, sharing)

You can also switch to other pre-installed Java versions using the relevant environment variable as an argument in the sdk command. For more details about these environment variables, see the Android Build Infrastructure page.

How to install a new package to the build machine?

You can use the compatible package managers to install packages.

For the macOS build machines for iOS builds, _brew _is a commonly used package manager with commands like brew install maven

For the Linux (Debian) build machines for Android builds, apt-get can be used for 3rd party packages such as apt-get -y install maven

How to change the package name/application ID dynamically?

With custom scripts, you can edit the Info.plist and the build.gradle files.

iOS sample for Info.plist
cd $AC_REPOSITORY_DIR/Your-Target-Folder
/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :CFBundleIdentifier io.myapp" "./Info.plist"

How to access a file in the repository directory?

For each step in the workflow, you can view the input and output variables in the step configuration.

The repository directory is an output of the Git Clone step and its patch can be accessed with the AC_REPOSITORY_PATH environment variable by any step added after the Git Clone step. An example is as follows:


How to a add a file as a downloadable build artifact?

You can add any file to the output directory that contain the build artifacts using the AC_OUTPUT_DIR environment variable. An example is as follows:

cd $AC_REPOSITORY_DIR/app/build/reports/
mv lint-results* $AC_OUTPUT_DIR/

How to break pipeline on low test coverage

This document provides a sample custom script written in Ruby that can be integrated into your CI/CD pipeline to enforce a minimum test coverage threshold. The script is designed to break the pipeline if the covered test result falls below a specified percentage.


Please note that this custom script must be placed after the Test Reports step in the workflow.

require 'json'

def env_has_key(key)
!ENV[key].nil? && ENV[key] != '' ? ENV[key] : abort("Missing #{key}.")

output_dir = env_has_key('AC_OUTPUT_DIR')

def read_json_file(test_result_file_path)

def extract_line_coverage(json_data)

test_result_file_path = "#{output_dir}/test_results.json"
json_data = read_json_file(test_result_file_path)
line_coverage = extract_line_coverage(json_data)

puts "Current Line Coverage: % #{line_coverage * 100}"

min_coverage = 2.0
puts "Minimum coverage percentage: #{min_coverage}"

if (line_coverage * 100) < min_coverage
puts "Coverage is #{line_coverage} and below minimum coverage percentage given #{min_coverage}. \nExiting."
exit (1)
puts "Coverage is above the threshold. It is clear."

rescue StandardError => e
puts "An error occurred: #{e.message}"

Please feel free to edit the following variables according to your own requirements:

  • test_result_file_path: The file path of the test result file from which to retrieve the covered percentage value.
  • min_coverage: The minimum percentage required for the pipeline to continue without breaking.

To access the source code of this component, please use the following link:

Preview of GitHub - appcircleio/appcircle-custom-script-component

How to use environment variables along with the sudo command?

Both user-created and Appcircle-reserved environment variables can be used within a custom script with any required command. But, by default, commands that are triggered with sudo will not reach them since the user scope is changed.

In order to use all user environment variables with sudo, you should add the -E argument to the sudo command. The -E (preserve environment) option indicates to the security policy that the user wishes to preserve their existing environment variables.

For instance, you can check the list of environment variables in the build pipeline using the command below.

sudo -E printenv

How can I send a custom email?

Appcircle provides a ready-to-use email structure in the Testing Distribution and Publish modules. This structure varies across the two modules. If desired, the user can customize this structure by using the Custom Script below to send their own custom email.

The following Bash script is set to use a Gmail SMTP Server. For more information, please visit Gmail SMTP Server documentation.

# Set SMTP server

# Make sure to replace CS_EMAIL, CS_USERNAME, and CS_PASSWORD with your account details

# Set email details
CS_EMAIL_SUBJECT="Test Email Subject"
# This part will be used for visualization
CS_EMAIL_FROM="Sender Name <>"
CS_EMAIL_BODY="This is the body of the sent email."
# Set TLS and SSL usage

# Detect operating system
if uname -a | grep -iq "darwin"; then
elif uname -a | grep -iq "linux"; then

# Create the .msmtprc file with appropriate permissions
cat <<EOF > ~/.msmtprc
auth on
tls on

# Check if OS is supported and install necessary packages
if [ "$os" == "darwin" ]; then
if ! command -v brew > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Can't find brew installation; make brew command visible or install homebrew and try again."
exit 1
brew install mailutils
brew install msmtp
echo "set sendmail=/usr/local/bin/msmtp" | sudo tee -a /etc/mail.rc
{ echo -n "tls_fingerprint " && msmtp --serverinfo --tls --tls-certcheck=off --host=$CS_HOST --port=$CS_PORT | egrep -o "([0-9A-Za-z]{2}:){31}[0-9A-Za-z]{2}"; } >> ~/.msmtprc
elif [ "$os" == "linux" ]; then
if ! command -v apt > /dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "Apt is not installed; install apt and try again."
exit 1
apt-get update
apt-get install -y mailutils msmtp msmtp-mta
echo "tls_trust_file /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt" >> ~/.msmtprc
echo "Unsupported OS: $os. Darwin or Linux was expected."
exit 1

cat <<EOF >> ~/.msmtprc
logfile ~/.msmtp.log
account $CS_ACCOUNT
host $CS_HOST
port $CS_PORT
from $CS_EMAIL
password $CS_PASSWORD
account default: $CS_ACCOUNT

# Restrict permissions for the .msmtprc file to avoid security issues
chmod 600 ~/.msmtprc

# Cleanup .msmtprc whether script ends with success or failure
function cleanup {
cat /dev/null > ~/.msmtprc
trap cleanup EXIT

# Send email
echo "From: $CS_EMAIL_FROM
$CS_EMAIL_BODY" | msmtp --debug --from=$CS_EMAIL -t $CS_EMAIL_TO

Script Execution

This script is written in Bash. When running with Custom Script, you need to set the Execute With parameter as Bash. For more information, please visit the Custom Script Input Variables documentation section.

Input Variables

When using your own SMTP server credentials for the three variables below, using Environment Variables is strongly suggested since this prevents sensitive information, such as passwords, from being exposed to unauthorized individuals.

For more detailed information, please refer to the Environment Variables documentation.

  • $CS_EMAIL: SMTP Server email address.
  • $CS_USERNAME: Sender email address.
  • $CS_PASSWORD: Sender email address password.

Otherwise, to send an email, you need to have some information, such as the email subject, sender email, and recipient email. You can use these parameters to:

  • $CS_EMAIL_SUBJECT: Subject of sending email
  • $CS_EMAIL_TO: Recipient email address.
  • $CS_EMAIL_FROM: Sender email address.
  • $CS_EMAIL_BODY: Content of sending email.
Recipient Email Address

If you want to send an email to multiple email addresses instead of a single email address, in the $CS_EMAIL_TO parameter, it will be enough to write all the addresses to send an email separated by commas. For example, $,

Sensitive Informations

Since the variables mentioned above, which need to be provided by the user, contain sensitive information like passwords, please use Environment Variables for these types of values.

To do this, comment out or remove the sensitive variables such as $CS_EMAIL, $CS_USERNAME, and $CS_PASSWORD defined at the top of the script, and add them as environment variables instead.

For other variables that need to be defined, you can also make use of environment variables.

Self-hosted Runners

If you're using self-hosted runners and they're not starting to build pipelines with clean states as in Appcircle Cloud, this custom script can be insecure to use since the consecutive pipelines are using the same build environment, and it might have last sent email sensitive configuration in some cases.

In order to send email, the script persists SMTP configuration to the ~/.msmtprc file. Although the script has a cleanup mechanism that works for success or failure cases, it cannot work on all conditions. For example, the "cancel build" case should be considered. In this case, the ~/.msmtprc might not be cleaned, and it can be read in the next pipeline.

If you have configured runners similar to the Appcircle Cloud pools and they are wiped off after a build is executed to provide a fresh environment for every build, then there is nothing to consider; it's safe.

Username and Password for Google SMTP Users

When you want to send an email with your Gmail account using Google's SMTP server, you must first authenticate to the Google SMTP server. For this process, you need to enter your App Password in the password field.

In order to generate this password, 2FA authentication must be turned on in your Google account. You can generate and retrieve this password from the App Passwords section under Google Account management. For detailed information about App Passwords, please visit the Google App Password documentation.

Protocols and SMTP Host

This script uses the TLS protocol for SMTP server usage. Since the Gmail SMTP server is used in the script, the required protocols are pulled from Google's SMTP server using the $CS_HOST parameter. If you are using your own SMTP server, don't forget to change the $CS_HOST value here.

On the other hand, to change TLS or SSL usage, you can change the protocol by setting the $CS_USE_TLS or $CS_USE_SSL parameters in the script to true or false. Note that you need to change the $CS_PORT parameter when using SSL and TLS.

For more information about protocols, please visit the Google's TLS and SSL documentation.

Sender Email and Spoofing

To use an SMTP server, this script first installs the necessary certificates, then authenticates to the server with the required credentials and sends the prepared email content to the recipient's email address. In order to change the sender's email address, the SMTP server must allow it by providing the necessary permissions. Otherwise, SMTP servers will send the email using the authenticated email address to prevent spoofing (impersonating someone else).

How can I send the Appcircle build log to another platform?

To send your build log to another platform using an API, you can access the log in your workflow through $AC_LOGFILE.

Here is an example using Dropbox's file-upload API. Replace it with the appropriate API for your platform. If you are going to use DropBox, you can follow the document below to obtain the access token:


Ensure sensitive data, like access tokens, are defined as private environment variables. Learn more:

current_datetime=$(date +"%Y-%m-%d-%H-%M")

curl -X POST \
--header "Authorization: Bearer $DROPBOX_ACCESS_TOKEN" \
--header "Dropbox-API-Arg: {\"autorename\":false,\"mode\":\"add\",\"mute\":false,\"path\":\"$dropbox_log_filename\",\"strict_conflict\":false}" \
--header "Content-Type: application/octet-stream" \
--data-binary @"$AC_LOGFILE"

This script generates a timestamped log file (e.g., ac-log-2024-10-01-14-55.txt) in the /home/appcircle-logs in Dropbox.


Ensure that the Custom Script step runs after the Export Build Artifacts step to capture the full log.