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Fortify on Demand Mobile Assessment

Fortify on Demand Mobile Assessment provides a robust solution for securing mobile applications by identifying vulnerabilities before they can be exploited. This comprehensive cloud-based service streamlines the security testing process, ensuring your mobile apps meet the highest standards of security.

You can seamlessly integrate Fortify on Demand Mobile Assessment into your workflow with Appcircle, facilitating easy setup and utilization within your existing development processes.


Before running the Fortify on Demand Mobile Assessment step, you must complete certain prerequisites, as detailed in the table below:

For iOS (Objective-C / Swift and React Native)

Prerequisite Workflow StepDescription
Xcodebuild for DevicesThis step will build your application in ARM architecture and generate an IPA and dSYM file.

For Android (Java / Kotlin and React Native)

Prerequisite Workflow StepDescription
Android BuildThe app required for this step is generated by the Android Build (or alternative build steps).
Android SignIf you create a signed app, you must run this step beforehand to process the output.

For iOS Flutter

Prerequisite Workflow StepDescription
Xcodebuild for DevicesThis step will build your application in ARM architecture and generate an IPA and dSYM file.
Flutter Build for iOSGenerates the app required for the Fortify on Demand step.

For Android Flutter

Prerequisite Workflow StepDescription
Flutter Build for AndroidGenerates the app required for the Fortify on Demand step.
Android SignIf you create a signed app, you must run this step beforehand to process the output.

Input Variables

This step contains some input variable(s). It needs these variable(s) to work. The table below gives explanation for this variable(s).

Sensitive Variables

Please do not use sensitive variables such as Username, Password, API Key, or Personal Access Key directly within the step.

We recommend using Environment Variables groups for such sensitive variables.

Variable NameDescriptionStatus
$AC_FOD_CLIENT_IDAuthenticating with client credentials. The client credentials are the API keys generated in the portal.Required
$AC_FOD_CLIENT_SECRETAuthenticating with client credentials. The client credentials are the API keys generated in the portal.Required
$AC_FOD_CLIENT_DATACENTERSelect the datacenter assigned to you upon your onboarding with Fortify on Demand.Required
$AC_FOD_ENTITLEMENT_IDThe ID assigned to your current entitlement. You can retrieve this value in the Fortify on Demand portal.Required
$AC_FOD_RELEASE_IDThe ID assigned to the created release. This value can be retrieved in the Fortify on Demand portal.Required
$AC_FOD_ASSESSMENT_TYPEAssessment type for this mobile assessment.Required
$AC_FOD_FRAMEWORK_TYPEFramework type for this mobile assessment.Required
$AC_FOD_PLATFORM_TYPEPlatform type for this mobile assessment.Required
$AC_FOD_FILE_PATHFull path of the IPA or APK file.Required

To access the source code of this component, please use the following link:

Preview of GitHub - appcircleio/appcircle-fod-mobile-assessment