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This step converts Xcode's test results to different formats by using Slather. You can convert your test coverage results, such as cobertura, JSON, etc.


Before running the Slather step, you must complete certain prerequisites, as detailed in the table below:

Prerequisite Workflow StepDescription
Git CloneThis step will clone your repository. After this step works, the variable $AC_REPOSITORY_DIR will be created. This variable is the required input variable for Slather.
Xcodebuild for Unit and UI TestsThis step executes your unit and UI tests, generating a .xcresult file. This file serves as the mandatory test result input for Slather.

Slather component needs test results in .xcresult format to work. Therefore, make sure that the tests of the project are run. Otherwise, Slather will throw an error for not finding the file and the pipeline will break.

Input Variables

This step contains some input variable(s). It needs these variable(s) to work. The table below gives explanation for this variable(s).

Variable NameDescriptionStatus
$AC_REPOSITORY_DIRSpecifies the cloned repository directory. It's generated after the Git Clone step.Required
$AC_TEST_RESULT_PATHThis is the path of .xcresult file. It will be generated after the Xcodebuild for Unit and UI Test step.Required
$AC_SCHEMESpecifies the project scheme for build. If you filled in Config => Build Schema in the Configuration, this variable comes from Configuration.Required
$AC_PROJECT_PATHSpecifies the project path. For example: ./appcircle.xcodeproj. If you filled in Config => Xcode Project or Workspace Path in the Configuration, this variable comes from Configuration. But if you have a different location, specify this parameter.Required
$AC_WORKSPACE_PATHSpecifies the workspace path. For example : ./appcircle.xcworkspace. If you filled in Config => Xcode Project or Workspace Path in the Configuration, this variable comes from Configuration. But if you have a different location, specify this parameter.Optional
$AC_COVERAGE_FORMATExported coverage format. You can change the output format of the coverage test results for Slather with the Coverage Type variable. The default value is cobertura.Optional
$AC_CONFIGURATION_NAMEIf you have a configuration that you want to specify while Slather is running, you can add it to the command line with the Configuration parameter.Optional
$AC_SLATHER_OPTIONSIf you want to add an extra command to the command line, you can do it with the Extra Option variable.Optional

To access the source code of this component, please use the following link:

Preview of GitHub - appcircleio/appcircle-slather-component